The African Centre for Rural Development & Environment (ACERDEN) is a non-profit, non-governmental and non-political organization
based in Enugu. Nigeria. The organization was established in 1996. It is registered with both the Ministry
of Health and Social Development (1996) and the Corporate Affairs Commission. Abuja (1998).
The idea was conceived out of the founder's burning desire to contribute to the welfare of both the
urban and rural poor in Nigeria.
This was predicated on the founder's background, professional training and wealth of experience. The
need for the economic, social and political emancipation of the Nigerian population as well as the
promotion of their standard of living informed the establishment of ACERDEN.
Our Vision is to build an egalitarian society without poverty, hunger, disease and all forms of social
and human deprivations.
Mission Statement:
The African Centre for Rural Development & Environment (ACERDEN) is committed to sustainable development
with a mission target on sustainable agriculture, environmental conservation, poverty alleviation and
rural development.