Capacity Assessment Team Leader Dr. Umeh introducing himself, the Team and the purpose of their visit

Capacity Assessment Study of the African Centre for Rural Development & Environment (ACERDEN) by the Boston University Centre for Global Health & Development held on 14 th July, 2015 at ACERDEN Office, Trans-Ekulu, Enugu

1.0 Introduction:

The capacity building assessment study featured opening prayer, self introduction by the visiting research team and ACERDEN staff, group interviews and discussion, presentation of reports and relevant evidence-based documents, completion of questionnaires by each ACERDEN staff. and group photographs, among others.

The opening prayer was said by Mrs Henrietta Ugwu, a Trustee of ACERDEN. ACERDEN Chairman/CEO, Prof. Daniel S. Ugwu, read welcome address to welcome the August visitors and the entire participants. The participants introduced themselves. The occasion had a total of eleven (11) participants consisting of ACERDEN trustees and staff as well as members of the Boston University research team.

The visiting researchTeam Leader, Dr Umeh stated that the objective of the visit is to undertake a study in organizational development to be conducted by the Measuring Organisation Development and Effectiveness (MODE) research team which they were representing.

2.0 The Capacity Assessment Study:

Details of the capacity assessment comprised of the following components: Missions and Values, Leadership and Governance, Strategic Planning, Operational Planning, Human Resource Management, Linkages and Networking, Logistic Management, Quality Management, Knowledge and Information, Financial Management and Financial Secretary and fund raising.

ACERDEN team provided all the necessary available information and documents to the research team for verification and/or confirmation. Identified areas of weaknesses include: Documentation, Workplan and Budget, Stock Management, Asset Management Disposal Policy, Guidelines for Proposal Writing, Board of Trustees Meeting, Staff Meeting, Project Meetings and Staff Job Description.

However, the study team noted that a comprehensive report on the outcome of the visit will be officially sent to ACERDEN in six months time during her next visit to Nigeria.

The occasion rose with a closing remark by the Chairman/CEO, Prof. D. S. Ugwu in appreciation of the visit and work of the visiting research team of Boston University Center for Global Health and Development.

Click here to read the Welcome Address on the occasion of the visit by the Research Team of Boston University Center for Global Health & Development, USA to ACERDEN

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